Monday, April 20, 2009

Bun and Learny in Space - Part IV

1 comment:

BKCTMOAP said...

Jeez. Spam commenters need to be incinerated.

But "Bun & Learny" has to be the best thing I've seen in ages. And not just because my egomania re: my own comix. But because it's always appreciated to see People-I-Know getting down with this form.

There are some sharp chops here, not least of all:
1. "quargl"
2. "crasch"
3. Bun's Bloviating

..and an overall firm grasp of comix fundamentals/storytelling.

Hope You can turn this into Million$, but in any case, it will continue to burn up my box.

Also some great pictures of Nature Boy down there.